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Feeling Stressed?
It Might Show.
A Dermatologist on the Mind-
Skin Connection.
WRITTEN BY: N&T Staff | September, 2024
How does our mind affect our skin, and vice versa? We invited a board-certified dermatologist to tell us all about the Mind-Skin Connection.
Meet the Dermatologist
Leela Athalye, DO is a board-certified dermatologist passionate about the mind-skin connection. Here’s what she shared about how stress can impact skin.
N&T: What exactly is the Mind-Skin Connection?
Dr. Leela: When we say “mind-skin connection” we’re talking about how our mental health impacts our skin’s appearance and vice versa. Many of my patients tell me their skin issues diminish their self-esteem, but the opposite can be true, too! I’ve seen conditions worsened by my patients’ stress levels. So it’s important to understand that the two impact each other.
N&T: Given that they’re so connected, do you ever recommend lifestyle changes for your patients?
Dr. Leela: Absolutely. Before I became a board-certified dermatologist, I majored in psychobiology at UCLA, so addressing the mind and body together is central to my practice. When a patient comes to me with a flare-up, I always ask if they’re feeling stressed. Often they tell me work has been crazy, or they’ve recently moved, or they’re just generally overwhelmed. We talk about the importance of self-care and practicing mindfulness. I typically recommend taking more walks, practicing yoga, and meditating. Simple ways to bring that stress level down so their skin can flourish.
N&T: What recommendations do you have for making skincare feel like self-care?
Dr. Leela: I love this question! The very act of applying skincare can be so relaxing. At its core, a skincare ritual is so sensory. It’s a wonderful opportunity to ground yourself in your body, pay attention to the textures, the scent, your own breath. And when we’re paying attention to the experience like that, we’re really grounding ourselves and turning our attention inward, which can be very calming. I often tell my patients skincare is one of the easiest ways to slow down and practice mindfulness. When we do that, skincare really becomes self-care.
N&T: Do you have any skincare favorites you find to be particularly relaxing?
Dr. Leela: I definitely love to incorporate facial tools into my routine, and I find them super calming. At any point in my day, if I’m feeling stressed, I’ll apply a few drops of lightweight face oil and then gently roll my face and neck with a facial roller. Not only does this help encourage circulation, but it delivers a super relaxing massage. I also like to use a gua sha at the end of my daily routine. I just gently sweep my face and neck for a firm, sculpted look. Plus, a high-quality, quartz gua sha can have a cooling effect, which feels so refreshing. I think the right facial tool is the easiest way to get the most relaxation out of your routine.
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